Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Priceless: Gold Coast, AU

The weather may be a touch cool, but the Gold Coast, AU still offers the hottest deals. And some of the best are free. You just have to be at the right place at the right time. Full moon sunset on the Gold Coast was breath-taking as sight–seers from France, local fisherman, and surfers were treated to a heavy golden moon that slowly rose into the darkened sky, casting its moon glow reflection in the ocean. People have observed the moon since time began and despite reports of swine flu, uncertain financial conditions, and threat of global warming it still is a big draw. The face of the moon, defined by ancient craters and lava flows, continues to remind us of that which is greater than any of us. It is priceless. It is timeless. It is free.
If you are on the Gold Coast, head for the beaches for a truly exceptional experience. No matter where you are located check when the next full moon is in your area at then search for moon phases.